Peer Review Process

Authors who are submitting for the first time must thoroughly read the following. We also strongly suggest reading the tips, as many new authors experience unnecessary delays that can be avoided by understanding the process and submitting all required materials with necessary formatting. All manuscripts must be within the area of interest of Journals’ scope, should be original in authorship and publication, should be based on adequate factual record, and it should be significant in data. Reviewers will evaluate the suitability of the manuscript for publication and state justification for publication. The language of publication is English and the manuscript must be understandable and correct in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Publication Process

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  1. Author submits cover letter, manuscript file including tables as word, figures as word, graphical abstract as powerpoint and copyright form.
  2. Editor-in-Chief reviews the manuscripts, if article does not meet journal standards article will be returned with rejection notice.
  3. After initial review, if the article has minimum standard, submission will be sent to two reviewers.
  4. Reviewers critique article and send it back to the editorial office for processing.
  5. Authors are asked to respond to reviewers and make necessary corrections.
  6. Article is sent out for re-review.
  7. Editor-in-Chief may accept, reject, accept with minor alterations, or sent out for third review.
  8. If accepted, author must submit final version. Version will be added to "in-press" queue with publisher.
  9. Prior to publication, publisher will send galleys to authors. No edits may be made after galleys are approved.
  10. The PDF of the article will be online as soon as the issue is published.

Submission check list


  1. A Cover letter with details of reviewers and ‘About authors’.
  2. A Word file of the manuscript with Tables
  3. A word file of Figures
  4. A Graphical Abstract in powerpoint format
  5. A scanned image or word file of copyright form